Executive Presence : Assessment, Coaching, Training

5 Ways to be More Likeable at Work

Summary: The truth about leaders who seem like they are not likeable is that they do not pay enough attention to build relationships with their stakeholders. This makes them miss out on the opportunity to connect with their stakeholders authentically and know them holistically. To be perceived as a likeable leader with strong executive presence, […]

Why Do Star Leaders Speak Less and Listen More

Summary: The biggest difference between a boss and a leader is their ability to listen. A star Leader knows that when you listen more than you talk, you make people feel good about themselves; and they in turn listen more closely when it’s your turn to speak your mind. How do star leaders boost confidence […]

How To Create a More Collaborative Workplace in 3 Simple Steps?

Summary: Star leaders know that they have to engage with human beings and make sure that they make genuine connections, not tied to performance or qualifications. They are interested in how people behave, what their drives are, and what really matters to them. Remembering and implementing this information is as important as using technical information […]

Star Leadership is also about Finessing Failure

Star Leadership is also about Finessing Failure

Failing Intelligently and How it’s Better than Success What can I do with my Failures at the Workplace? In the endeavor for success, not failing is never an option. Success without even a bit of failure – if it would have existed at all, would have made that success taste so much less sweeter! Therefore, […]

Why Do Star Leaders Speak Less and Listen More?

Executive Presence

Why Do Star Leaders Speak Less and Listen More? In 2009, Domino’s Pizza did something few companies would have the courage to do. Faced with enormous criticism and negative feedback, they started The Pizza Turnaround initiative where they posted their negative feedback and the employee’s reactions to it. They heard people talk about how the “crust tastes […]