Executive Presence : Assessment, Coaching, Training

3 Reasons How Comparison is Killing Your Confidence

Summary: Comparison is a downward spiral. It either makes sure that you are stuck in your place not really doing anything, or emulates others in the hopes that you’ll someday be exactly like them. Specifically in this age of social media, it is really difficult to not compare yourself to others. Your title isn’t good […]

Breaking Through the Indefinite Loop of Failure

Summary: Failure is a story we tell ourselves and get caught in. The only way out is to realign yourself with what you have learnt and see your story as progressing forward. Making mistakes is a natural part of growing, so make them, and be ready to reinvent yourself again and again! Whether we’re successful […]

Being an Introvert, How to Talk in Meetings

Summary: This idea that a leader has to be an extrovert, outgoing, or a people person is debatable. It’s no surprise that so many on the more introverted side, make amazing star leaders. With a little more practice and patience, you can build your executive presence and be the star too! Aren’t we always looking […]

3 Ways That Star Leaders Boost Confidence When in Chaos

Summary: It is difficult to lead in times of chaos and uncertainty. While that is absolutely true, the more important fact is that chaos is also the best tool to test a leadership. Being a Star leader is mostly about being an anchor in the muddled waters of chaos and sailing the team successfully to […]

Becoming Presidential – Not Just in Title but Also in Substance

Annie worked in a publicly traded global company and earned a promotion to the CXO level. But soon after her executive appointment, she was delicately informed that her overall presence did not communicate a distinctly CXO demeanor. The board wanted her to work with an executive coach who would provide practical and engaging ideas for […]